Will GTA 6 Also Release on PC? Take-Two Boss Responds

Joe Parker

gta 6

During a recent interview at a conference, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive, was asked about the potential release of GTA 6 on PC, following its initial launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in the fall of 2025. Instead of giving a straightforward answer, Zelnick offered a response that left more questions than answers.

Rockstar’s Platform Strategy

Zelnick’s response was filled with corporate jargon and ambiguity. “Well, the absence of an announcement isn’t something that’s set in stone, as far as I know, because the only thing that follows an absence of an announcement is an announcement, I suppose, or a continued absence of an announcement. I guess that could happen too. It doesn’t seem like either is set in stone,” he said, steering the conversation into uncertainty.

He continued, “But Rockstar has a platform strategy we’ve seen before. They’ll make other announcements in due time. I think the right strategy for our company is to be where the consumer is, and historically, what this company has done is address consumers wherever they are, on any platform that makes sense, over time.”

Reading Between the Lines

Although Zelnick’s response seemed like a blend of corporate speak and non-committal statements, those familiar with Rockstar Games’ release strategy can likely read between the lines. Historically, the Grand Theft Auto franchise follows a well-established pattern: games are released on consoles first, followed by a PC release at a later date.

Zelnick’s vague reference to “Rockstar has a platform strategy we’ve seen before” appears to be a subtle nod to this tried-and-true release strategy. However, given the industry’s obsession with secrecy and the desire to save announcements for future events and marketing campaigns, it’s understandable why Zelnick was hesitant to confirm or deny a PC port of GTA 6.

The Future of GTA 6 on PC

While Zelnick’s word salad didn’t provide a definitive answer, it’s hard to imagine that one of the most popular and played video game franchises of all time won’t eventually make its way to the PC platform, especially given the massive and dedicated fan base. For now, GTA fans will have to patiently await official announcements from Rockstar Games, while trying to decipher the corporate double-speak that often accompanies highly anticipated releases.

In the meantime, gamers and fans alike will continue to speculate and hope for a PC release, knowing that Rockstar’s history suggests it’s only a matter of time. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available, and keep your fingers crossed for some concrete news soon!


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