A Man Finds a Deer with a Collar and a Humorous Message on Its Body

Joe Parker


In a twist that feels plucked straight from a whimsical fairytale, a Missouri landowner recently encountered a scene that left him scratching his head. Imagine this: amidst the tranquil expanses of his property, he spotted a deer trotting about with a bright, colorful collar snugly fastened around its neck. And if that wasn’t surprising enough, the deer also sported the word “pet” painted on its side. It was an encounter so surreal it might have been lifted from the pages of a fantasy novel.

The Deer’s Unusual Adventure

This curious event, which unfolded in late September, quickly caught the attention of local officials. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office was promptly alerted and dispatched a team to investigate. However, by the time they arrived, the deer had mysteriously disappeared. It’s as if the deer knew it had sparked quite a commotion and decided to vanish into the woods.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) weighed in on the situation, suggesting that the collar indicated someone might have tried to domesticate the deer as a pet. This idea, though unconventional, makes sense given the deer’s new accessory—a sign usually associated with domestic animals rather than their wild counterparts.

Concerns for the Deer’s Welfare


The discovery sparked significant concern about the deer’s well-being. Scott Corley, a wildlife protection officer, voiced his worries to the media, highlighting the potential risks posed to the deer’s health. The MDC has been actively monitoring the situation, focusing on ensuring the deer’s safety and proper welfare.

Wildlife Should Stay Wild

This bizarre incident served as a stark reminder from the Missouri Department of Conservation about the nature of wild animals. “Wild animals, including deer, are not suited for domestic life,” they emphasized. Their caution is particularly pertinent given the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal illness affecting the nervous systems of deer and other cervids.

In a public service message, the Sheriff’s Office took to Facebook to reiterate the point: “Wild animals should remain in their natural habitats and not be treated as pets.” They further noted that deer, especially during mating season, could become aggressive if handled improperly.

According to Corley, capturing the deer to remove the collar and return it to its natural habitat is the current priority. This effort is crucial in maintaining the balance between human activities and wildlife, ensuring that such animals are kept safe and healthy in their natural environment.

This strange yet intriguing incident underscores the importance of respecting wildlife and their habitats, reminding us all of the delicate balance that exists between humans and the natural world.

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